Saturday, February 29, 2020
Attachment Styles And Romantic Relationship Outcomes Psychology Essay
Attachment Styles And Romantic Relationship Outcomes Psychology Essay Many researchers have shown a link between attachment styles and romantic relationship outcomes. Attachment styles deals with early infant parent caring and environment, internal working models of themselves, their early relationships with peer or friends and attachment security. These major attachment styles leads to the different timing of the first sexual intercourse which later shows links to relationship satisfaction, quality of romantic relationships, union formation and the number of romantic partners. The timing of first sexual activity is classified at either early age (14 or earlier), on time (15-19) or late age (19 or older) (Harden 2012). Many studies have shown that individuals prefer partners with similar attachment style, a complementary attachment style or either the attachment style most likely to form attachment security, is all dealt with the age of an individual. This theory of attachment increases the understanding of Hardens (2012) findings and explains these f indings by him. The characteristics and stability of teenagers romantic relationship in young adulthood is concerned with the timing of teenager ¿Ã‚ ½s first sexual intercourse. One theory that suggests reasons for the quality of this romantic relationship is the attachment theory. John Bowlby was the first Psychologist to introduce the attachment theory, describing attachment as a â€Å"lasting psychological connectedness between human beings†(Bowlby, 1969). The attachment theory states that people  ¿Ã‚ ½construct internal, working models of themselves and their early relationships, which function to guide social behaviour throughout their life span ¿Ã‚ ½ (Bowlby, 1973). Hazen and shaver (1987) also concluded that attachment styles may influence the quality of their romantic experiences and their beliefs on relationships. This attachment theory and peer relationships are able to explain Hardens (2012) findings that concluded that  ¿Ã‚ ½timing of first sexual interco urse in adolescence predicts romantic outcomes in adulthood, including union formation, number of romantic partners, and relationship dissatisfaction ¿Ã‚ ½. The essential argument of the attachment theory is if parents are not available and responsive to their children ¿Ã‚ ½s needs are likely to face difficulties in their lives. Belsky et al. (1991); ¿Ã‚ ½Belsky, 1997) ¿Ã‚ ½claimed that an individual ¿Ã‚ ½s early family environment, including the childhood-parent attachment relationship, conveys to children the risks and uncertainties they are likely to face in their lifetimes (Belsky, J. et al. 2010). It has been stated that  ¿Ã‚ ½Such information adaptively regulates psychological, behavioural, and reproductive development, either toward a mutually beneficial orientation to interpersonal relations or toward an opportunistic, advantage-taking point of view ¿Ã‚ ½ (Belsky, J. et al. 2010). This may result and affect mating behaviour, pair bonding, and parental investmen t, and also has been said to result earlier or later sexual intercourse, number of romantic partner, unstable or stable relationships and union formation(Belsky, J. et al. 2010). From this evidence attachment of individuals with their parents explains the results in which romantic relationships are created and built and timing of first sexual intercourse. Friendships are extremely significant during adolescence, so an individual might experience internal working models (attachment theory) of close friendships to become particularly influential during this time (Trinke and Bartholomew, 1997; Weiss, 1991).Researchers have proposed that friendship during adolescence is provided as a supplement rather than a replacement for relationships between parents and should be considered as a unique factor on adolescent functioning (Furman Paterson et al. 1994). Peer relationship or friendship is known to contribute to later romantic relationship outcomes, and best known by the scholar Sullivan( 1953). He viewed  ¿Ã‚ ½chumpships established in middle childhood as foundational for later romantic relationships ¿Ã‚ ½ (Madsen, S., & Collins, W. 2011). A research by Neemann et al. (1995), documented that peer relationships or friendships during the age of middle adolcence influences factors such as romantic relationship involvement, number of romantic partners, and relationship satisfaction and the quality of relationship in young adulthood. Furthermore, rejections experienced by friends in middle adolescence are significant issues in the development of rejection sensitivity, and the results of these experiences of rejection have been strongly correlated with dissatisfaction in romantic relationships (Downey, Bonica, & Rinc ¿Ã‚ ½n, 1999).
Thursday, February 13, 2020
The Significance of Credible Evidence to the Administration of Justice Essay
The Significance of Credible Evidence to the Administration of Justice - Essay Example There are several arguments that support evidence law; such as the amelioration of insidious suspicion of juries; to promote legal or social issues associated with litigation; to enhance substantive policies disparate to the trial; to establish conditions to obtain the most credible facts in court; and to organize the extent and period of trials. This paper explores the different types and the significance of credible evidence for the administration of justice. Admissibility of evidence Evidence manifests in four main forms: demonstrated evidence; documented evidence; real evidence and testimonial evidence. Whereas some policies regulating evidence are applicable to all four categories, others pertain to less than three or less. It is notable that all of these categories of proof must be permissible, though, prior to being considered as investigative of a matter in a court case. Essentially, if proof is to be considered admissible in court, it has to be pertinent, material, and knowl edgeable. To be seen relevant, evidence must have a number of reasonable inclinations to assist prove, or refute some reality. It should not build certainty to the fact, but to some extent, it must be inclined toward the increment or lower the possibility of a number of facts. Once evidence meets the standard measures, the judge or jury, charged with the duty of establishing facts will decide the suitable weight to offer a given piece of proof. An appropriate piece of proof is considered credible if it is tabled to verify a reality that is being argued in a legal proceeding. Credible proof is that fact that accords with particular conventional notions of consistency. Courts are slowly reducing the competency policies guiding evidence by enabling to be looked upon depending on the burden of proof (Gazzaniga [2011] 304 SA 54). Significance of real evidence Real evidence is imperative. Its subsistence or features are believed to be pertinent and subject to a matter before the court. It is normally an issue that was expressly involved in an occurrence in the trial, such as an exhibit of murder, the individual property of an aggrieved party, or an item like a hat or bangle belonging to a criminal suspect. The relevance of the material must be observed in trial before it can be admissible, by a judge. The procedure, in which a lawyer establishes these fundamentals and any extra structures that may be useful, is referred to as laying a foundation for a case (Wang [2008] 5 US-China Law Review 50). Generally, the weight and content of real evidence must be guaranteed. An attorney sets up the evidence's credibility by demonstrating that it actually is what it should look like, failure to which it may be deemed by the court. Corroborating evidence is referred to as authentication. Demonstrative Evidence Although, evidence is believed to be demonstrative if it carries the testimony of a live witness, it is deemed permissible when it comparatively and precisely mirrors the witness's account and is otherwise admissible. Demonstrative evidence includes items such as maps, images of a scene where crime is committed, diagrams and graphs that show incriminating or exonerating particulars (Kennedy, & Wlnn, [2011] 16 DLR 209; Timothy [2008] 72 FB 87; Pardo [2006] 33 AJCL 301). Documentary Evidence Evidence captured in or recorded on retrievable mediums can be an aspect of real proof. For instance, an
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Wall Street the movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Wall Street the movie - Essay Example This is the case with the main character Gordon Gekko and as the film progresses, also that of his protà ©gà © named Bud Fox who started out as a bit player in the stock brokerage industry but in due time became a significant stockbroker due to the profitable trades he made as he engaged in extremely complicated and often illegal schemes to minimize his trading risks. One of his favorite tools is insider trading, which is using information on a firm that is not available to the general buying public which gives him an undue and illegal advantage (McGee 36). Insider trading is a capital crime because it erodes confidence in the stock market as it is one of the leading sources for capital formation; the stock market is just like any market where buyers and sellers met and agree on a deal, except that what they deal and agree upon are monies and in effect, financing for starting a business and expanding an existing business by providing much-needed capital for entrepreneurs and businessmen. The entrepreneurs are the ones who need money while the investors provide that money buying their stocks offered on Wall Street by these stockbrokerage and investment houses who earn a commission. Gekko and Fox teamed up and plotted to engage in a hostile takeover of an airline where Fox’s father works by using a leveraged buyout (LBO), and then turn around by using excess pension funds to pay off the debt incurred in this hostile takeover and earn profits from breaking up the airline and selling its assets individually. However, the law and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) arrested both Fox and Gekko for insider trading. Economic aspects – the film showed how a stock market is essential to the economy of a nation as it serves as the marketplace where lenders and borrowers can meet and in turn help the economy achieve growth by providing the essential capital to finance new business ventures and expand existing ones such as introducing a new product line that requires money or enter new foreign markets to expand the sales by generating new revenue streams. The film also touches on the sensitive topic of greed which is why securities laws and regulatio ns are put in place to protect the investing public from unscrupulous individuals and trading firms. A good example is the case of Martha Stewart who was convicted of insider trading regarding the sale of stocks she owned by using insider information before the stock price collapsed. In her case, she used an illegal method which is also unethical as it constitutes fraud. Capital – the word as used in economics means the man-made goods which are then used to produce a future continuous supply of goods and services. Capital is essentially of two kinds in terms of their ultimate end user: the first is capital goods used for further producing new capital goods for perpetuity (a continuous supply) and the second is for consumption in which there is eventual depletion. Capital gets worn out from use over a period of time, gets destroyed in natural or man-made calamities, and also become obsolete due to technological advances (like the telegraph equipment replaced by newer telephone s and the old typewriters being replaced by personal computers). Obsolescence happens when a thing or service is still in good working condition and usable but no longer wanted (same case with the telephone landline which has been replaced by the cellular phone and other mobile electronics gadgets). Economics deals primarily with the concept of how to deal with scarcity and making trade-off decisions regarding where capital should be invested in the most efficient way. In the film, the monies of Gekko could have been used to fund
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